Revolution Feeder
Chore-Time’s REVOLUTION Feeder’s ingenious scalloped grill was designed specifically to fit the rounded shape of today’s larger broilers. Birds eat comfortably from the pan’s perimeter and waste less feed. Together, the pan design, anti-rake fins and sculpted grill help keep feed waste to a minimum while still providing easy, comfortable access for birds of all sizes.
- The Feeder Pan (right) has a broad feed surface area that makes feed easy for birds to reach.
- The grill's edge overhangs the pan to help keep feed from being raked out of the feeder.
- The T-shaped grill spokes make the feeders easier for birds to exit
- Pans can be removed with a twist and hung from the incorporated hook for cleaning.
- A repair top makes it easy to change out damaged feeders in minutes
- Made of durable polypropylene plastic with ultraviolet inhibiters
- 12-Spoke model(more controlled access) or 8-Spoke model(more open access)
- Available as Floor Flood feeder or with Choretime's Rotary Gate
- Adjust the Rotary Gate model with the ACCU-CLICK manual actuator or the ACCUTROL automatic actuator
- Use one ACCUTROL Actuator Control Unit for independent control of up to four linear actuators when a manual override is needed for maintenance.