Poultry Hawk Trolley System
The Poultry Hawk trolley serves poultry farmers like a steady hired hand. Powered by a battery and commanded by remote, which includes speed control, this robust machine works hard and will be around for a long time. Additionally, its user-friendly features and its versatility will soon win your heart to the point you won't want to 'walk the birds' without it
- 700 - 1000 ft range remote
- Indicator light that blinks when cart is moving.(For long distance control)
- Choose standard electic dump, turkey basket electic dump(more protected electical components) or just manual dump.
- Fixed basket(no dump,lower sides) or egg cart also available.
- Get the E-series cart for a great entry level system(Utilizes for farm available parts and powered by customer supplied Dewalt,Milwaukee or Makita batrtery)
- The Dock Charge keeps Poulty Hawk charged and ready to go.
- The rail brush keeps rail clean to improve quietness and smoothness of the Poultry Hawk.
- Get the plastic feed insert and use your Poultry Hawk as a feed cart.