Plasson's Poult Drinking Systems
Plasson provides a wide range of nipple drinker systems for broilers which allow you to choose the nipple and flow rate tailored to your poultry needs. The overall quality, reliability and superior service guarantees you optimum performance for best results.
Super Easy Start Adjustiable - SESA

Plasson’s Super Easy Start Adjustable supplies fresh water in the mini bowl with a spring mechanism that ensures a constant supply of water. The water level is easily adjusted by the position of the spring.
Plasson Bell Drinker

From start to finish, the Plasson Drinker is clearly the best watering system for confinement reared turkeys. For turkeys 12 weeks and older, the Plasson Turkey Drinker is recommended. The only difference between the Breeder and the Turkey Drinker is that the latter has a larger bell and a larger mechanism spring.